The Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth, Vol.1, spoiler free
The Chosen Ones 1 (spoiler free). The Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth was highly recommended on Booktok. Tempted at first, I purchased it because I was annoyed at just how many people recommended it. I had already read the Divergent series by Veronica Roth, so I did not mind discovering her new work anyways, especially when I learned it was targeted for a more mature audience. I always find it nice when authors (and artists) grow with their fans. So I went to the first bookshop that had it and started to read it. What is it about? One day, a mysterious, dangerous and magical enemy, the Dark One, appeared, destroying everything and killing many. A clandestine government agency searches eagerly for someone to fight against the monster. That someone became a group of five teenagers, Sloane, Matt, Albie, Ines and Esther. Together, after long fights and terrifying nights, they succeeded. The war is over. Ten years later, we find the Chosen Ones as adults. Sloane and Matt...